[ terms of use ]

Unity Hub | Terms of Use

Our websites terms and conditions detail the guidelines, for using our services and browsing the site. Upon accessing and utilizing the platform you are expected to adhere to these rules.

Table of contents

  1. Accounts and membership
  2. User content
  3. Backups
  4. Links to other resources
  5. Limitation of liability
  6. Changes and amendments
  7. Acceptance of these terms
  8. Contacting us

User content

We do not claim ownership of any content you submit on the website when utilizing our service. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy and legality of the content you supply.

Accounts and membership

When you set up an account with us it's important to ensure its security and keep track of all the activities linked to it to safeguard your information better If you notice any usage please inform us promptly


We are not responsible, for any content found on the website so it's up, to you to ensure you have backups of your content.

Links to other resources

Our website might have links, to sources; however we are not accountable, for their content or methods.

Limitation of liability

We are not responsible, for any consequential damages resulting from your use of the website, to the extent allowed by law.

Acceptance of these terms

By utilizing our websites services and features you recognize that you have reviewed and accepted the terms presented to you.

Changes and amendments

We have the option to change these terms whenever we want to do it. If you keep using the website after the changes it shows that you agree with them.

Contacting us

If you have any inquiries or issues regarding these conditions; please get in touch with us at Store 20A located at 508, to 516 Old Northern Road in the town of Duran New South Wales 2158 in Australia via phone at +61 3 6234 3549 or, by email at marketing.@mail.com.